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820. Spiritual path – schematic table. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 1999.
Place: Strakonice, Czech.
a 1. you must know
b 2. you must want
c 3. you must dare
d 4. you must be quiet
e 5. you must have a sign
f 6. sense of touch – I.stage (7 degrees - 7 x 7 months)
1. degree of faith and humbleness
2. degree of preparation
3. degree of progress
4. degree of action
5. degree of rest and harmony
6. degree of individual work
7. degree of knowledge
g 7. Word - II. stage (7 seasons - 7 x 7 years)
1. season of sharpening of spiritual gifts
2. season of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts
3. season of starting of very active work by means of spiritual gifts
4. season of preparation for the Enlightment and application of spiritual gifts
5. season of first experience of high vibration consciousness in preparations for the Enlightment
6. season of sharpening of transitions of consciousness into high-vibration states
7. season of the final preparation for the change of vibrations and the Enlightment of a human being.
821. Spiritual path. (Received by Jaraoslav P.) 20.-21.10.1999. 23:20-00:10.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceship that are all around you, are greeting you again after a long time during this evening writing. We can see that you are perfectly ready to write our telepathic messages about the Spiritual path of you, terrestrial people in your physical bodies, thus incarnated on our and your planet Earth. This the teaching about the Spiritual path is being given to you at this time because so said our only Creator of everybody and all primary things. It is happening now because right now was filled to the brim of global consciousness of all people living now on the planet Earth and also because now we can continue with this work of message 709, in “II. Talks with instructions” put out by our dear Ivo A. Benda.
In this message is writen, how a human being awakes his consciousness and desire to come back to the purest lights of Creator of us and of all primary things. In the begining we will briefly mention a path that is in this message 709 linked with hierarchy of spiritual worlds of our only Creator Primary.
Well, firstly, the level of spiritual worlds number one is linked with an origin of a little place in consciousness surrounded by material cover. Secondly, the second level of spiritual worlds is parallel-linked with regeneration of human consciousness, when its thoughts radiate strong white light to the Primary Creator of everybody and everything. The third level of spiritual worlds is linked with a gift of an implant in this being, the fourth level is linked with spiritual or meditative work for other human beings, the fifth is linked with meeting us - Cosmic friends, the sixth is linked with a gift of spirit from our and your Primary Creator, the seventh and a final stage, for a human being, is linked with the Enlightment, which means to get to worlds of God’s firstborn ones. When regarding this, to be more specific-worlds of God’s firstborn ones-it means a preparatory stage for entering these worlds, it is the stage of 13. embryonic paradises of the right spirit.
This is just the introduction, the first part of concepts, we will work with them a lot in writing about the Spiritual path. Now it is time to mention the second part, which is inseparable. We will use quotations from a part of text that is on the page 64 in the book “New messages from Prague”. For our use we will call these concepts single stages, as it is mentioned in this book. Now follows a quotation, word for word, from this text for later better view of these concepts. There is writen this: “Such people must be taught, with stress on facts to know and to understand and to know how to work with these concepts:
Important is that every man must know
and when he knows, he must want
when he wants, he must dare,
when he dares, he must be silent,
then he must have a sign,
then sense of touch,
and finaly a Word.”
We will tell you, terrestrial people, other teaching regarding this next time but today we are going to say something about the way of changing of consciousness, which goes in the right direction to our and your only Creator Primary, of physical beings here in physical body and its influence on their reborn minds, which is completely changed by this reborning. Such human beings start to feel a strong need for spiritual work. Here we get to the connection of these two quantities and from them we will create an imaginary DIAGRAM OF A SPIRAL. These are quantities expressing dependence of growth of consciousness, which inclined to our and your only Creator Primary, on SPIRITUAL WORK. These two concepts connected in this way will create the spiral, mentioned hereinbefore, which you received in the telepathic way about a month ago.
In conclusion it is in need to say that there is NO spiritual growth without spiritual work. Spiritual growth means, only taking in consideration – changing of consciousness in the direction of the purest lights of Creator primary of everybody and everything.
All this will be transmitted here for all terrestrial people because this Spiritual path, teaching of the Creator primary of all of you and everything, is in this way transmitted to these physical worlds, so that these human beings could follow the road in their physical bodies leading back to the Creator primary.
This is all for today and we are saying good-bye to you and also to you all. We, Cosmic friends, wish you good night and sweet dreams.”
822. Spiritual path. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 21.10.1999. 21:50-23:10.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, all your and everybody’s Cosmic friends from spaceships who are everywhere above you, are greeting you again. Today we would like to continue with yesterday’s introduction about the Spiritual path in a way that we will tell you other concepts and thus will be the whole spiral of spiritual consciousness in dependence on spiritual work of terrestrial people, following this path, completely described. Then we will start with more detailed explanation about all those concepts mentioned hereinbefore.
Yesterday we spoke about seven phazes of spiritual development of human beings and also about seven degrees of hierarchy of spiritual worlds, linked with awakening or finding a code or remembering of human beings as it is published in “Talks” II. part, message 709. It is the message about Creation of universes. It was our purpose to number all those concepts in accordance with their order. As you can see from the begining, there is always number seven and it was not yet mentioned everything. Number seven will be mentioned also in other concepts, which will also be part of this teaching. It is also in need to say that number seven is the number of the planet Earth and that’s why it is your, terrestrial people who are inhabitants of this planet and its inseparable part, number too. It is very shameful that not all people are aware of this fact and some behave as if it was here their property and they were absolute rulers. This is not the most suitable attitude to live like this here on the planet Earth but it is a choice of those people, not all of them are like those ones. Those who are looking for, many of them have already found the right and loving attitude towards their planet (beautiful and loved Earth), will certainly like to read in the book mentioned hereinbefore, its name is “New message from Prague”, where is number seven mentioned as the number of the planet Earth. Finaly, we will add to this book that there is writen about us, your Cosmic friends, where is solved the question of ifluence of extraterrestrial civilizations in history of your beautiful, and loved by us very much, planet Earth.
Now we can go on to widen the number of those concepts mentioned hereinbefore. Firstly, we will briefly explain what this spiral of spritual consciousness growth consist of. It goes from a point and finaly it ends in another point. We can call this point also a shining point. Why it is so, we’ll tell you in a minute but let’s go back to the begining of this spiral. It begins as a point and this point symbolizes a man incarnated in his physical body here on the planet Earth and who is completely busy with all ordinary everyday things. Such man not only makes spiritual work but he is so involved in materialistic things that he doesn’t want to admit that spirituality and spiritual worlds conected with it exist. If such man takes up an interest in this spiritual matter and if he voluntarily takes up studying spiritual law and God – the only Primary Creator, then he will start to turn this spiral of consciousness automaticly. He thus started with his spiritual work, he started, in accordance with his free will, to take an interest in principles of Creation that come from the primary pure idea of the Primary Creator of everything and everybody. Such man is situated at the first revolution of this spiral - in the first stage, which represents spiritual work of knowledge. Then the spiral continues with another 360 degrees revolution, when an imaginary point of human being goes in one line every 360 degrees. All those points connected together make an axis of a diagram of a line of consciousness growth. At the end there is already mentioned the shining piont and we can now write about it this: If a human being gets in his physical body to this point, then it will achieve spiritual consciousness of such level, that it will get to the Enlightment and will change its vibrations to worlds of higher spiritual level.
In conclusion, refering to the shining point, we can say, that to achieve this point a human being can only through the spiral, which last for the whole terrestrial life. This will be explained now, when other concepts come to turn in this writing. To seven phazes of the spiral of 360 degrees revolutions we will add two stages, which we will devide into columns for better description.
It consists of seven degrees, every degree is conected with a time period of seven months of fullmoons.
1. degree of faith and humbleness
2. degree of preparation
3. degree of progress
4. degree of action
5. degree of rest and harmony
6. degree of individual work
7. degree of knowledge
Consists of seven seasons, every season is connected with a time period of seven terrestrial years.
1. season of sharpening of spiritual gifts
2. season of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts
3. season of starting of very active work by means of spiritual gifts
4. season of preparation for the Enlightment and application of spiritual gifts
5. season of the first experience of high vibration consciousness in preparations for the Enlightment
6. season of sharpening of transitions of consciousness into high-vibrated states
7. season of the final preparation for the change of vibrations and the Enlightment of a human being.
Thus are here mentioned other concepts, then seven degrees and seven seasons. It necessary to add this, which is refering to seven seasons: It was not mentioned what happens with spiritual gifts given to a human being by the Creator primary of everybody and everything in season 5. – 7. Well, these gifts are used by a human being and they work naturally and automaticly. That’s why they are not mentioned in the overview hereinbefore, in seasons 5. - 7.
In conclusion, refering to this matter, it is necessary to write this explanation: Why is here very strong influence of a time period, which in spiritual worlds can affect very little ? It is given so by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything that in this physical dimension time ties everything and that’s why it can influence human beings following the Spiritual path. It is their shining task to subordinate time on this path, which ties them together to matter. At the end of the Spiritual path, going through this imaginary spiral, a human being becomes a free and an unrestrained spirit. That’s the way it is because, then we can dispose of people who are impatient and those who do not abound with patience because this is a very important character for spiritual work.
That’s all from us, Cosmic people, for this evening and now good-bye and good night.
Your Cosmic friends.”
823. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 22.10.1999. 22:30-23:20.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships that are everywhere above you, are greeting you again this evening. We feel very happy that you have sat down with a pencil in your hand to write.
Today we will continue with yesterday’s teaching about the time restriction, to be more specific about a general influence of this Spiritual path of human beings, in their physical bodies, on the planet Earth (thus incarnated). This influence is divided into two stages: in the first stage time influences at the begining of the imaginary spiral when a human being is not aware of the fact that time influences it. It follows this Spiritual path and goes on the spiral through individual stages of the spiral until a certain moment, when it changes and becomes aware of this time restriction and it starts to feel that its time is restricted. This moment is the begining of the second stage, when it gets a certain shape of time addiction of another Spiritual path into his consciousness. These two stages we are talking about are not the same as stages from the previous message. This term is there used to explain time of lasting of a certain time period, which is thus divided into two parts. We must also say about this matter that lasting of these two individual time stages are also included in our diagram of the spiral. This transition from one time stage to another happens inconspicuously, a human being following this Spiritual path does not notice it. But if he stops one day after a few months, he will find out and become aware of difference of time influence.
Thus comes to transition of time influence as it is described here on the spiral. It happens during the fifth phaze (on the spiral e), it is phaze of a sign. From this point there works the second time stage and also it comes to influence of both stages mentioned in the yesterday’s message. Here in this fifth phaze of sign always comes to this transition, as it is writen hereinbefore. It is thus represented in the diagram of the spiral and it is again represented only in a symbolic way. There is no certain time point for this, it is never defined. It goes backward or forward.
But there is a different point in the diagram of the spiral, which in a mutual scale. It is the axis or we can call it a line of consciousness that conects individual phazes, always ending after radies of 360 degrees. Moreover, we would like to add another teaching that will describe why it happens in this way and not in a different.
We will begin with the first revolution, in the spiral signed as a. It is obvious that when comparing with other phazes there is growth of spiritual awareness very small. A human being in its physical body here studies, just observes surrounding and learns to study. It is possible to compare it to a child, when it learns to speak and finds its bearings. After going through the second revolution b there is better growth of spiritual consciousness and again we can say that a human being attends a kindergarten of spiritual consciousness. After the third revolution c there is quite obvious consciousness growth. It is so because a human being already showed its good characters and also longing for spiritual knowledge and also went through the whole basic school of spirit to show, in the revolution d, another character important for its spiritual development. After this revolution grew a little bit its humbleness and consciousness. It can be compared with a high (secondary) school of spirit. Then a human being can go to the University, where grows in the phaze e his consciousness and he gradualy his perceiving of time restriction distinct, than in previous phazes, what was explained hereinbefore. In this way is a human being taught for its future life and then can come another action, when his consciousness still grows on the revolution f and also achieved level of spiritual maturity. But it is not still mature completely, its consciousness grows here again and he comes closer to the lat revolution g. During this revolution grows his consciousness mostly and it, in this phaze, enters spiritualy mature age.
In this way we wanted to explain the line of growth of consciousness in the spiral. Now we have to say: see you next time and we wish you good night.
Your Cosmic friends.”
824. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 23.10.1999. 22:15-23:10.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are here again with you.
Today we will continue with the teaching about the Spiritual path of primary Creator Primary of everybody and everything. Firstly, we will make a short and simple scheme. According to this we will direct other teaching also as in previous messages already put out:
Degree of spiritual worlds --> Talk II. --> 7 basic phazes. Next development of the Spiritual path of human beings will strictly follow the sheme here on your dear planet Earth with you, thus incarnated in physical bodies. This scheme is mentioned here for later better overview of all these concepts we work with. Now we have to say something about the diagram of the spiral and it is understandable that we will start from the begining, when a human being is incarnated here on the Earth in its physical body and it doesn’t think about Creator Primary of everybody and everything. It is because it is completely involved in troubles of its life and thus it is physicaly prevented from its spiritual task. Then a level of consciousness of this human being stays the same and it doesn’t grow. Other spiritual beings from spiritual worlds are ready and they carefully watch what this human being does, whether or not it changes and voluntarily starts to study spiritual rules and Creator Pirmary of everybody and everything. Those beings from higher spiritual worlds are ready AT ONCE to help to every human being who CHANGES its thinking. Such help especially means: influencing of high vibration level. Such frequences affect brain process of a human being very much. This human being doesn’t know about it and it depends only on ITSELF, whether it will continue in starting his spiritual path or whether it returns back to his previous life controlled by matter.
Now we get to explanation of the scheme writen at the begining of this message. As it is known in spiritual worlds of the first level – moons and planets, a soul is subjected to this sharpening to achieve perfection of its characteristics. Here a this level is a soul taught to keep THE LAW OF INTELLIGENCE and took it as read. The influence from spiritual worlds of the first level of moons and planets get also into matter on your and our dear planet Earth, when a human being who changes its thinking and ADMITS in physical beings, that Primary God-Creator of everybody and everything does exist ! Thus there is reflected influence of Cosmic rule – THE LAW OF INTELLIGENCE from spiritual worlds to physical worlds, so everything happens according the will of the only Creator Primary of everybody and everything. Now we will explain to you how these facts are connected with the first phaze in the diagram of spiritual growth of consciousness, marked by the letter a. This influence is obvious from the begining of this explenation. Here we can also see that for a human being following this spiritual path is needed to get to know, or to know, and that without this it cannot go on in its development. If it DOESN’T take up interest itself in RULES OF SPIRIT and if it doesn’t start to study literature considering matters of spirit, it will NOT make progress and will always stand in a one place. In this task can help it spiritual beings from worlds of spirit of Primary Creator, and then when this human being observes some facts happening in its life on the Earth, it doesn’t know how big chance it was that everything happened in this way and not in a different.
As it was already said, this human being doesn’t know yet about the existence of higher spiritual worlds and if it does, it still doubts possibility of presence of spiritual beings in this world. Then is light truth, which have not been yet shown to a human being, that the word chance is the word coming from your worlds controlled by matter. This word doesn’t exist in spiritual worlds, because nothing can be caused by a chance ! Everything is thus directed, all beings in all universes who follow the right spiritual way to come closer to the only Creator, by Creator Primary of everybody and everything.
Furthermore, we will mention, that time that restricts matter influence, in this phaze, everything in a different way. To one being it can last just a few years in his physical body until it copes with the first revolution of the spiral, to other being it can last a few decades and other one will need a few incarnations or hundreds or thousands incarnations until it achieves this point and starts to work on spiritual development.
That’s all for now, see you next time and we wish you good night.
Your Cosmic friends.”
825. Spiral of spiritual world. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 25.10.1999. 22:00-23:25.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you after a short break. We are very glad that you have sat down again to write. You needed a break because you were very tired. Today is everything alright and that’s why we can continue with writing about the Spiritual path and immediately we will begin second grade of spiritual worlds – planetary suns, where souls – astral bodies sharpen their free will so that they could follow the Spiritual path to Primary Creator of everybody and everything. It is very important to know, that free will is very important for souls on this Spiritual path. Otherwise if it was not all voluntary, there would never be any spiritual growth. As it was mentioned in writing about the creating of unending universes that, in the second stage of spiritual worlds influence them already the third stage of universes of free-streaming objects that will prove free will of souls – astral bodies completely. Before we go on, we will use teaching of your astrologers. In your astrologic literature is writen: “As in heaven, the same on the Earth”, which does count for much also here.
As souls – astral bodies’ staying power - free will is examined in the second stage of spiritual worlds of planetary suns, the same affects this cosmic rule a human being in physical body here on the beautiful planet Earth. Such human being will make progress in his spiritual development when it SHATTERS A PHYSICAL COVER that ties its free consciousness. Then its thoughts will stream to the only Creator Primary of everybody and everything. It must feel ITSELF a strong need for this Spiritual path WITHOUT EXTERNAL IMPULSES OR OTHER INFLUENCE. This is very neccesary, otherwise it will stay on the first revolution. Then, if this human being gets in a state of light euphoria voluntarily, immediately will start spinning into the second revolution of the Spiritual path, where will spend some time.
It will fill its everlasting desire for knowledge and spiritual rules of Primary Creator of everybody and everything if it completely perceives a need to be a part of this light course of events. In conclusion, we can mention influence of time. You can see that the second revolution lasts for shorter time than the first revolution. This is different for every human being. Some hesitating ones can spend like this some incarnations in physical bodies. Human beings cope with it mostly in a few months time, maximally one or two years of terrestrial life. That is the most usual case and before we go on, we will mention this important note:
The book “Talks I. and II.” and some other literature mentioned in these books influence human beings, who are on the first revolution of the spiritual spiral, as CODE-FINDING that will cause FAST START OF TURNING OF THE SPIRAL and also unexpected spiritual growth of such beings. To some may happen that they will “stumble”, “make a mistake” and again through the spiral will go back to matter but in the opposite direction. This can also work like a SIEVE to let go on only those people who HAVE UNENDING LOVE, SYMPATHY, HUMBLENESS, PATIENCE IN THEIR HEARTS. Again you can feel THROWING OUT OF LIGHT INTELLIGENCE OF the Primary Creator of everybody and everything, who controls also development of our and your dear planet Earth, everywhere.
Today we will also go on in our teaching and we will write about influence in spiritual worlds of the third stage, where human souls sharpens – astral bodies the LAW OF THE INTELLIGENCE so that they adored perfection of God’s (Primary Creator) purity and forgot about proud. This is the third stage of spiritual worlds of galactic suns. It is a place where is a lot of hustle everywhere. It is known also to you, terrestrial people, that from the spiritual world come souls into half-physical bodies but some also into physical bodies and now we would like to make a more detailed explanation considering this topic.
In writing about creating of unending universes is writen that they are the messengers of the dawn, thus incarnated on your and our dear Earth. Yes, this is the truth and there are lot of them. The fact that nowadays live 6,3 billions on the planet Earth people is for an attentive listener very interesting. Why do you think there are so many people ? I will anwer: “It is caused by reborning of the planet Earth. In order to reborn global consciousness of all people here on the planet Earth.” The reason why there are ten times more people than the Earth could feed on usual conditions, is given by fact that incarnation of souls into physical bodies is given on a huge scale by their own choice. These souls are able to know more in spiritual worlds than in their physical bodies. That’s why they can see future, they can see what they are going to do there, where they will be incarnated in the future. This the main reason why the planet Earth carries now so many people. As far as, hereinbefore mentioned, messengers of the dawn are concerned, there are a lot of them on your and our dear planet Earth. To be more sdpecific, almost one billion. At the dawn of your third millenium it is planed by your and our Primary Creator that the number of those people will still grow, to prepare good conditions for the reborning process of the Earh into higher dimensions. It is Creator’s work and He gives all beings, also to human beings in physical bodies, complete freedom of decision. If nowadays people destroy tha planet Earth that it becomes uninhabitable, they will be responsible for all those results. But it is not the same with using of nuclear technology ! In such case there would be a quick interference into your course of events on the planet Earth from outside. Because this would mean interference with other spiritual worlds, which is not permitted by Creator and by Cosmic rules too.
The revolution c – phaze 3. YOU MUST DARE
To finish this explanation considering the Spiritual path of human beings, this course of events in spiritual worlds of the third stage is a reflection of creation here on the planet Earth. A human being who is already awoken by its own free will, now longs very much for knowledge and is determined to follow the Spiritual path back to the Primary Creator of everybody and everything. Then it gets the GIFT OF THE IMPLANT from Creator of everybody and everything in course of terrestrial events to make it more sensitive to smooth vibrations of your and our Creator. On the spiral of spiritual development it also symbolizes the revolution number three. A human being is pressed to dare, to try to follow spiritual path of right lights. Such human being is also quite prepared for this task and is on a higher level and have already sharpened the basic cosmic rule – THE LAW OF INTELLIGENCE. The first sharpening of this cosmic rule was, as you remember from previous explanation, sharpening of souls – astral bodies in the first stage of spiritual worlds of moons and planets and then becoming aware of existence of spiritual worlds and also the Primary Creator in His physical body, which reflects the first revolution of the spiral of spiritual development, also called knowing or knowledge about Spiritual truth.
In conclusion we can say that the third revolution on this spiral of spiritual knowledge is much quiter, when a human being is in a light euphoria strongly disrupted. The same it is with the fourth stage of spiritual worlds of cosmic suns. We will write about it to you, terrestrial people, tomorrow.
Now we, from spaceships everywhere above you, have to say good-bye to you. We wish you good night !”
826. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 26.10.1999. 22:05-23:05.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you. Today before we continue in explanation about the fourth degree of spiritual worlds of sunny worlds, we will add other important information about previous the course of events.
It was written in previous message that “Talks I. and II.” and other books about spiritual knowledge are like “code-finding” for human beings. Such beings follow the Spiritual path on the first revolution of spiritual awareness and by means of information from these books they find a right code and their spiral starts to spin very quickly and spontaneously. We would like to add something about the second revolution of the spiral: a human being is in light euphoria and it determined to follow this path. Then it can last, if is its course so quick, less than two months and sometimes even two or three weeks. At the end of this revolution of human being, thus working being, in sense of the Spiritual path, is enabled to comunicate with Cosmic friends in the telepathic way.
Then spins also the third revolution, mentioned hereinbefore, a human being is given the gift of implant from the only Creator Primary of everybody and evrything, what happens in the begining and then it is prepared for another spiritual task. Here is used telepathic communication with us, because this also makes it easier for a human being to follow the Spiritual path. It must keep its eyes open wide and not to get controlled by pride and its own ego, which means changing of direction from the right Spiritual path. As far as the third revolution is concerned, where a human being dared or tried to follow the path of right lights of primary Creator of everybody and everything, remains to add its lasting in the terrestrial time. The time is the same as the time of the revolution number 2 and if a human being found the right code by means of “Talks” or by other literature mentioned in it, the number of revolutions is reduced, a few weeks, as in the previous case. It was also writen that the third revolution is for a human being quiter than the second one.
The revolution d – phaze 4. YOU MUST BE QUIET
Then it goes to the fourth revolution, that is a reflection, here on the planet Earth, of the fourth stage of spiritual cosmic suns and this phaze of spiritual development of human beings in physical bodies thus incarnated, is also much quiter. Now we can mention the fourth stage of spiritual worlds of cosmic suns. This is a place where, as it is known, complete sharpening of souls – astral bodies is under way. Here must a soul cope with all basic cosmic rules from Creator of everybody and of all primary things, to prepare them for another light cosmic path. This is all reflected in the Spiritual path of human beings in their incarnated physical bodies here on the planet Earth that after preparation they each get their spiritual task, which is for them the important school of the right and pure Spirit. Here is task of human beings to work for other human beings – WITHOUT MENTIONING IT. In it is also hidden an exam for such beings. Whtether or not they will give in to money and greed and if they will complete their light task.
This spiritual work especially concentrates on TELEPATHY RECEIVING of next spiritual truths for you, terrestrial people, here on your and our dear planet Earth. Moreover, it can be LIGHT WORK OF MEDITATING, aimed at help the planet Earth or other people who will need this help. Eventualy, it is LIGHT SPIRITUAL task connected with spreading and deatailed processing of these spiritual facts here on the planet Earth, so that every human being, in its physical body thus incarnated, had an opportunity to see this information and start to follow this right spiritual path to Primary Creator of everybody and everything. During this spiritual work are human beings COMPLETELY tested again (all characteristics) and we can write that this COMPLEXITY IS HERE MADE THROUGH AND THROUGH. In this phaze often happens that human beings choose a different direction away from the Spiritual path and they go backward on the spiral and they must wait for another chance for spiritual work, thus given by the Primary Creator of everybody and everything. Such spiritual path doesn’t go so spontaneously as in the case hereinbefore and it is a very slow Spiritual path so that a human being who once left this path could cope with it better. Here it means that a quick way isn’t always easiest and best way.
Finaly, we get to the revolution of the fourth spiral, in the diagram of the spiral also marked as d, which for a human being means this: “To be quiet”. In this way is here put stress on the most important need of a human being – unending humbleness. If a human being has enough characteristics of this character, it will easily cope with its spiritual task and it will get to other revolutions of the spiral of the Spiritual path, which we will mention next. Today we have to add this about the fourth revolution of influence of time. As it was mentioned at the begining about the first spiritual revolution of the spiral of consciousness, the same it is with the fourth revolution, with a difference that this fourth revolution is for a human being the elimination boundary on its Spiritual path.
We have writen about it before and that’s why we, all your friends from cosmic ships everywhere around you, say good-bye for now and we wish you all sweet dreams.”
827. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 27.-28.10.1999. 23:35-00:10.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you now late at night.
The revolution e – phaze 5. YOU MUST HAVE A SIGN
It was all said in previous messages about the Spiritual path of human beings who follow the spiral of spiritual awareness. Now we get to the fifth revolution of the spiral, in diagram marked as e. From this point becomes the Spiritual path more difficult. As far as the explanation of the fifth revolution is concerned we will write it tomorrow, today we can just say that this revolution is finished with physical contact with us, your Cosmic friends. Then begins the sixth revolution f and then the seventh revolution g, which is finished with the Enlightment of human being and its change of vibrations to higher spiritual worlds, mentioned hereinbefore, especially to 13th stage of embryonic beings of the right spirit, where are human beings prepared for entering worlds of God’s firstborn ones. In the message 709 in the book “Talks II” is writen this: “After a human being meets Cosmic friends it will get gifts of spirit from the Primary Creator of everybody and everything.” This is very simplified here but in reality it is much more difficult. Before a human being gets gifts of spirit from our and your Primary Creator, its consciousness must first go through the spiral of spiritual growth and the whole sixth revolution. It is preparation to devote to its spiritual task that l a human being will try to complete. To devote to this task a human being gradualy needs to meet with the fact, how the right and pure spirit can create here on the level of physical worlds. Such sharpening and learning of these facts can last some time, it is firmly fixed time and this will be writen next.
We will here mention, to complete it, that with the begining of the fifth revolution of the spiral of the growth of spiritual awareness, with dependence on spiritual work of human beings, we leave the scheme of explanation mentioned hereinbefore. Because here in the fifth revolution starts the influence of the 1st stage of the spiritual development of human beings that contains seven degrees of development and it ends when a human being finishes the whole sixth revolution. Then starts paralelly the second stage consisting of seven seasons and together with it the last seventh revolution of the spiral of spiritual development. This revolution leads to the ENLIGHTMENT of a human being and CHANGE OF VIBRATIONS into higher worlds. Here, in the last revolution also grows the spiritual awareness of a being to the most possible level. During this spiritual work is a human being devoted to its spiritual task and also here, most of its life-time, works for other human beings and again is slowly prepared for the Enlightment, until it gets on this Spiritual path to the SHINING POINT that is at the end of the spiritual spiral of consciousness. It is obvious from this, how are spiritual worlds reflected in physical worlds. This case contains 12 degrees of emryonic beings of the right spirit in two revolutions of the spiral of spiritual consciousness of human beings thus incarnated in their physical bodies on your and our dear planet Earth. Other explanation, as far as the fifth revolution is concerned, we will make tomorrow.
Now we are saynig good-bye to you. We are always with you, with Cosmic love. Good night.
Your Cosmic friends.”
828. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 28.10.1999. 22:10-22:50.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening. Today we will continue where we finished last time. That’s why now listen to explanation about the fifth revolution e, called phaze of sign. In this phaze is a human being completely quiet and harmonic and follows the Spiritual path. The aim of this phaze is to meet us, your Cosmic friends, which is for a human being a very attractive fact. In this way it runs the danger of its ego that can be pushing a human being forward at any price. For this human being it is good to calm down and concentrate on thoughts of light of the only Creator of everybody and everything primary. That’s why it is a very demanding test of patience. At the end a human being achieves the desire of meeting us, Cosmic people. Now we are going to stop for a while and we are going to tell you something about this meeting.
Firstly, we will explain the fact that this meeting must not be in a way of typical physical contact. Human beings who follow the right Spiritual path have many abilities, which other people, who do not work spiritualy, don’t have. That’s why there is an opportunity of meeting us on the vibration level, which is better for us because then there is no danger of coarse vibrations for our physical bodies. Such meeting can happen somewhere in nature on a contact place, where a human being can watch us with its inner sight. Communication is spontaneous in a telepathic way and there can be present more people, who were chosen. It isn’t any rule that all those people must have open their inner sight. It is enough and sufficient when just one of them has open inner sight. There’s just one condition: that all those people must be qualified and prepared for it, they must be on the fifth revolution, also called a sign. We used this concept without saying something more specific. Well, why a sign ? Human beings who have reached this stage, know very well what it is like because on their Spiritual path, here at this stage, can observe with their physical sight many of our colourful lights, also very bright. They can see also many FLIGHTS of our spaceships and not at least, those who have activated their inner sight, they can see us, your Cosmic friends, with this inner sight, just a bit vaguesly. Sight improves after a personal meeting on the vibration level at the place of contact in nature. That’s all about meeting us and the fifth phaze - sign, there’s just one thing missing, connection to spiritual worlds of the Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
Also the fifth phaze - sign is linked with, as it was mentioned before, the world of the spiritual sun, where is tested unending patience of souls - astral bodies, to be found here in the latent state of spirit. It is pretty obvious at first sight that spiritual worlds are reflected in your physical worlds and everything is controlled by the Primary Creator of everybody and evrything.
In conclusion, we can say about time dependence here in the fifth phaze that there are many possibilities to work on spiritual development of a human soul. The time period in the fifth phaze isn’t so important at the begining. As time goes by, a human being will come to a certain turning point and then when it will look back to see its right Spiritual path, it will feel that time which was not important for it, will become the most important. Its task is to follow the right Spiritual path and also to overcome the turning point and to continue in work for the Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
That’s all from us today and we, from cosmic ships everywhere above you, wish you all good night.”
829. Spiral of spiritual growth - of time dependence.
(Received by Jaroslav P.) 29.-30.10.1999 23:35-00:20.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceshiphs everywhere above you, are here again with you and we are very glad that you sat down again to write.
Today, before we start to write about the first degree of I. stage on the spiral of spiritual consciousness, we will go back to previous revolutions of the spiral and we will explain a certain time dependence, which has not been yet explained. This concerns the first revolution of the spiral - the revolution of knowledge. We have said something about its time influence, which represents also wide stretch of time dimensions. We can say about it that there is obvious influence of this stretch of time, but there is one reason, which will completely change this time influence. About the revolution of the second spiral we said that books “Talks I. and II.” and other books mentioned there quicken its influence. Then comes to quickening of the Spritual path which a human being follows, when it already was on the spiral of spiritual consciousness in the first revolution. Then is such fast influence reflected also in the third revolution. The fourth revolution has more extensional time influence, as well as the first one, where is not thus expressed influence of “Talks I. and II” and other books mentioned hereinbefore.
We will say about it more now. It is one of many possibilities for human beings, here on your and our dear planet Earth, thus incarnated right now. There is a posibility that a human being is without the Spiritual path and also does not work spiritualy. If these books will awake in it a strong desire to know right lights of the only Primary Creator of everybody and everything, the spiral of growth of spiritual consciousness will starts to spin very quickly and then a human being can go through the first revolution in one year time or even half of a year. It is very quickened development and it follows spontaneously the other revolutions, it means 2., 3., 4. And also the fifth - a sign - also called e, we did not say its specific time dependence. The conditions are the same for both the fourth and the first revolution, development is quicker also in case that a human being found its code by means of “Talks” on its first revolution. The opposite was the previous case, when it got to long for spiritual knowledge without being interested before. It differs only in time of lasting of the first revolution, which takes more time in this case and this was mentioned at the begining of this message.
The fifth revolution is in this ways restricted by time: It is particulary the phaze of the spiral, when comes to a CHANGE of perceiving of time influence on spiritual development of a human being, thus following its Spiritual path. It is not aware of the change or transition in the fifth phaze. It will be aware of this time influence later during following its right Spiritual path leading to the only Primary Creator of everybody and everything. To be more specific, lasting of this fifth revolution is similar as in revolutions one or four, if a human being was iniciallized to work (spiritualy) by “Talks”, or even if it was on the first revolution of the spiral of spiritual consciousness or if it did not start to work yet. That’s all for now, as far as the time influence is concerned, and now we will write something about the I. stage of spiritual development, which is independently linked with the spiral of growth of spiritual consciousness in its fifth phaze.
This I. stage starts with the degree number one, also called the degree of faith and humleness. Such development is important for every being following the Spiritual path. Also a human being will recognize a new trend of this spiritual influence, which at the begining influences it very much and also creates its thoughts, so that it could undertake other spiritual tests in this degree.
That is all for today’s introduction about this matter, good-bye and good night.
Your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you.”
830. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 30.10.1999. 22:40-23:30.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening. And immediately we will continue with yesterday’s message and we will explain how a human being, following the right Spiritual path, is tested in the I. degree of I. stage, called the degree of faith and humbleness.
Here is very strong effect of such thought impulses, which will prove, whether a human being does believe in right lights of Primary Creator of everybody and everything. It is thus given that in this case of the right Spiritual path is faith very important and that the foundation stone of such faith is love. It is not sort of fanatic faith, which is directed, in better case, by ego of a human being. In worse case by another human being that abuses this fanatic faith to control its victims. In this way is here given the fact that it is not sort of fanatic faith by kind of course of events. We always strictly observe the Cosmic law of free will, a human being must want follow the Spiritual path voluntary and then it will get recognition from another Cosmic law - the law of intelligence, because a human being will understand how is this Spiritual path right, it will feel through and through the unending intelligence of the only Primary Creator of everybody and everything. Then we lead it, in this degree, by our telepathic advise to its main spiritual task, but only if it will show that it has the right faith in its heart, the faith which springs from love and also will strongly feel the intelligence of the only Creator of everybody and all primary things. At the end of this stage it will get another suggestion for its work and then comes to personal meeting with us, your Cosmic friends. This contact can be made in two ways as we mentioned hereinbfore. Thus will also end the fifth phaze of the spiral of growth of spiritual consciousness.
And now starts the sixth phaze f called sense of touch. During this phaze the human being will be in successive steps INITIATED into concrete spiritual task. Hereinbefore was writen that a human being is given another suggestion for its work. Thus we mean specific spiritual work, it is about three kinds of work:
2. Or IMPORTANT SPIRITUAL WORK aimed at RECEIVING OF NEW SPIRITUAL INFORMATION, not yet given to you, people, here on your and our dear planet Earth
3. Finaly, it is SPIRITUAL WORK and we call it TELEINFORMATIVE WORK that means working with spiritual information, their processing and classifying and completion of possibilities of its spreading, so that it was at disposal to all incarnated human beings, here on the dear planet Earth, if they will be interested.
The revolution f - phaze 6. SENSE OF TOUCH:
It is obvious from this development that it follows a certain time line. The first degree of the I. stage of faith and humbleness has already got a specific time period - seven terrestrial full moons. During this period is changed orientation of a humman being to change the way of its perceiving of the time turning point. In the way of meeting us, your Cosmic friends, is also finished the fifth phaze of the spiral. Hereinbefore was mentioned that that the transition of development of the I. stage in the fifth phaze, called a sign, is both restricted or prolonged by time and if we, Cosmic friends, were to meet you personaly always at the end of the first degree of faith and humbleness of this I. stage o development, it would also mean that this transition would not be prolonged or restricted by time, because the first degree of faith and humbleness mentioned hereinbefore has fixed time season of seven full moons also as degrees of another I. stage of development. The rule for such time prolongation is that this personal meeting with us, your Cosmic friends, can be put off, even for a long time. As it was already writen, it was also the first possibility, how to complete this. Moreover, this meeting can be postponed to the second degree - preparation, or to the third degree - growth or even to the fourth degree, called action. That’s why this time prolongations or restrictions of enter or transition of I. stage of development in the fifth phaze, a sign.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends all, for today. Good-bye and sweet dreams.”
831. Spiral of spiritual growth - falls. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 31.10.1999. 22:05-22:50.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your and everybody’s Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening, we will now continue in writing about the Spiritual path.
Now hear very important information about spiritual development of human beings who came to the lights of the Creator Primary of everybody and everything while following this path. It is the level, when starts to spin the sixth phaze of the spiral of spiritiual consciousness - sense of touch. Human beings are on the verge of the first degree of the stage of their spiritual development and they were also told what is their task in the future, when entering the second degree.
The most important need for human beings is to get to know that they enter very advanced sort of Spiritual path, where is taken for granted that every mistake, either conscious or unconscious, must be undone in a multiple way. Here in this phaze, if a human being makes a mistake or stops following or looses its Spiritual path, it will come to a sticky end and also will complicate its spiritual path on a huge scale.
Generaly, we can say that if a human being is sharpened by very difficult tests on the spiral of spiritual consciousness in the fourth phaze - to be quiet, its fall, on the spiral, is not so deep as if it happened in the sixth phaze. It is very good for every human being, following the Spiritual path, to get to know it and to avoid all their mistakes.
Now we can mention kinds of mistakes of human beings when following this path:
The first one can be for example: being too proud about its success, about what it achieved, then follows very fast fall back through the spiral.
The second and also dangerous is: being greedy, possesive or money-loving - again follows very fast fall back through the spiral.
The other one, the third one is: pikniking and enjoying worldly thinks and joys in a wrong way. Here it takes a short time until it falls, back through the spiral, out of Spiritual path.
In conclusion, there is the last fourth mistake, VERY MALICIOUS. There is a possibility, that a human being will let itself be controlled by THOUGHT IMPULSES CONTROLLED BY THE DARKNESS, which then try to change it. Then such human being doesn’t follow the spiral of spiritual consciousness to the Creator Primary of everybody and everything, but it goes in a different direction because it let itself be controlled by dirty forces. It can then keep some of its extraordinary abilities (!), but it no longer works for Light and good of other human beings, but it works only for its ego and power over everybody. That is also the most malicious case, when a human being thinks that it is so good and has extraordinary abilities and it doesn’t see how it falls more and more to the opposite side of light forces.
That’s all about these mistakes, which were here thus mentioned in a detailed way, to let know human beings, who follow the Spiritual path, this advice to prevent their going away from the right Spiritual path.
Now we are going to write about the second degree of the I. stage of development - preparation. Hereinbefore was mentioned that when a human being enters this degree it passes another spiritual task. When it succeds to pass it, it makes progress in its spiritual knowledge and is gradualy prepared for its main spiritual task, which it will get to know in the seventh degree of this I. stage of development. Here is such preparation, in theory, made by a form of telepathic messages from us, Cosmic friends. Most human beings, at this threshold of the second stage, begin to see with inner sight. Some of them have already opened their inner sight because they used this gift from Crerator of everybody and all primary things a lot, when they met us, Cosmic friends, at the vibration level. Human beings who have already activated its inner sight can come to the first trial of seeing of the purest spirit, which means for example seeing of an aura of trees and other close terrestrial people. This is not the moment of acurate seeing, but oit is the first experince of spiritual gifts. Human beings always work on sharpening of their inner sight, so that they could see then higher spirits given to them by the Primary Creator of everything and every one.
We, your Cosmic friends, wanted to give you, terrestrial people, this today and now we are saying goo-bye to you and we are looking forward to seeing you again. Good night.”
832. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 1.11.1999. 21:50-22:25.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you today and we are very glad that you have sat down again by the table to write about the Spiritual path from Creator of everybody and all primary things.
Today we are going to continue with the yesterday’s message about the second degree of preparation of the I. stage of development of human beings here on your and our dear planet Earth, you in your bodies thus incarnated. Firstly, we will explain a very important law which we can call, in this spiritual phaze of development, THE LAW OF UNITY. It is for us a new concept and we will immediately explain it more. It is the important law, concerning the Spiritual path of human beings following the spiral of spiritual consciousness. The law of unity can influence all beings on their Spiritual path until the second degree - preparation, because all these beings follow the Spiritual path according to the same law. Hereinbefore we mentioned that a human being is shown its spiritual task to do, if it keeps following the right path to Creator of all of us and all primary things. But this all will start to happen considerably since the third degree - growth, the I. stage of development. Until that moment human beings have been prepared according to the same rules for everybody, that’s why the law of unity.
This was to explain this new concept and now we will tell you about another one, which was unknown to you - THE LAW OF POLARITY. It is necessary to mention it because human beings are already on the high spiritual level and at that moment they do not know about this fact, how it works, they even do not know that it exists. However, they meet influence of THE LAW OF POLARITY since their early childhood. This law can be mostly seen in physical worlds and it teaches human beings to be humble and tolerant, in this way is their right Spiritual path easier. We will more explain this LAW OF POLARITY. It is fulfilment of THE LAW of Cosmic PIECE AND HARMONY, which has a very strong effect in those spiritual worlds. This cosmic LAW OF PIECE AND HARMONY is reflected in matter by its nature, which should lead human beings to be perfect. Human beings must undertake necessary development in physical substance and it should lead human beings, by means of their good characters, to fulfilment of cosmic piece and harmony.
Thus we explained another important concept and in conclusion to the second degree of preparation we will mention and put stress on the fact that a human being is here taught in a form of telepathic messages from us, your Cosmic friends. It concerns the fact, what effect has these two laws in its spiritual development and at this degree is also activated its inner sight, very useful in following the Spiritual path to Creator of everybody and all primary things. that’s all from us for today, we are looking forward to hearing from you next time.
Your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you. Good night.”
833. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 2.11.1999.21:55-22:40.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are here again with you. Today we will continue in giving you new information about the Spiritual path from Creator of everybody and all primary things for you, all terrestrial people, given here on this your and our dear planet Earth.
It was already writen about activation of inner sight of human beings in the second degree - preparation of the I. stage of spiritual development. Then, when human beings have this gift they make progress to the third degree of growth, where they will be given gifts of spirit from Creator of all of us and all primary things. Here, at this third degree, all human beings who folow their right Spiritual path back to right lights of the Primary Creator will be given GIFTS OF SPIRIT - concrete. It is mainly the gift of seeing of auras of fellows terrest rial beings, then the gift of mutual telepathic communication with other human beings and finaly the gift of abilities to practise traditional medicine, given by the purest will of Creator of everybody and all primary things.
Now we will stop to write about it something more. As far as the first two gifts of spirit are concerned, it is neccesary to write that all human beings following this right Spiritual path will use these gifts . Then a human being in the third degree is given firstly one gift of spirit of the two gifts mentioned hereinbefore, mostly it is the gift of seeing auras, very important gift for human beings following the right Spiritual path. Then the Creator Primary of everybody and everything will decide, whether He will give this being the gift of communication with other human beings or not. It is His purest will because He knows what is the best for a certain human being.
Then it can receive other gifts of spirit - extraordinary abilities for practising traditional medicine from Creator of everybody and all primary things, which is not destined for all human beings and it happens in this way: All human beings following the path on the spiral of spiritual consciousness, following the right spiritual back to Creator of all of us and all primary things. Every being will be working on its spiritual task, given by the Primary Creator, in the seventh degree - devotion. Here, in the third degree - growth, a human being will get, according to Creator’s (of everybody and everything) decision, those gifts of spirit which it will need for its light spiritual task, for which it will be devoted later, so it keep following its right Spiritual path. These are the three light tasks:
1. Meditative work of light.
2. Medicinal work of light.
3. Teleinformative work of light.
According to a way human beings keep following their right Spiritual path, they can get other light activity:
Light work of transmiting of information here on your and our dear planet Earth, which has not been yet shown to you. It is UNSELFISH WORK, useful for all terrestrial people here on the planet Earth, thus incarnated in their physical bodies.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends, for today. See you and good night.”
834. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 4.11.1999. 21:45-23:00.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your and everybody’s Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you again this evening. Today we will finish writing about the third degree - growth and we will start to write about the fourth degree - activity.
We know how human beings get gifts of spirit while following the right Spiritual path according to the law given by the Creator Primary of everybody and everything. It was writen in the previous message that Creator Himself all thus controlls and this is the order of light. Yes, the Primary Creator thus controls eveything, He does not make decesion for each being separately because everything it is controlled by the law of the purest spirit, made beforehand.
At the begining of the third degree - growth human beings who follow the Spiritual path are given the gift of seeing through aura of fellow terrestrial human beings. This seeing through has three qualitative levels:
a) complete
b) partial
c) basic
The complete seeing through aura of fellow terrestrial people will get those who will be devoted for their light work of MEDICINAL in the seventh degree. Those will be also given another gift of spirit in the third degree - the gift of extraordinary medicinal abilities.
The partial seeing through aura of fellow terrestrial people will obtain those human beings who will be devoted in the seventh degree for their light MEDITATIVE work, which is linked with perceiving of shining colours and tunes of harmony. Those beings are in the second phaze of the third degree given the gift of spirit of extraordinary treating abilities. It concentrates on on complete harmonyzation of making physical bodies calmer and also souls of their fellow terrestrial people. It is obvious that its application of medicinal abilities, with use of harmonization of human minds and physical bodies and effects of calm vibrations, meditation and medicinal tunes and colours.
Finaly, human beings will get the basic seeing through for light TELEINFORMATIVE work for their future devotion. The basic seeing through is enough for those human beings because those beings concentrate on teleinformative work of light. For them it is just important to see through fellow people’s minds, to get to konw what they think inside their hearts - the way they are because what every man says about himself and about other people, will not tell anyone about his pure heart. Then, in the second phaze of the 3.degree, is to human beings given the gift of spirit of telepathic communication with other human beings by the Creator Primary for their light teleinformative work.
That was all about explanation of giving the gifts of spirit from Creator Primary of everybody and everything. And now in conclusion we are going to write a new fact, which will be explained if we return back to previous explanation - about effect of THE LAW OF UNITY. It is obvious that here in the third degree - growth human beings are devided according to their future work - devotion. THE LAW OF UNITY had an effect also in the second degree of their Spiritual path and here in the third degree ends its influence and begins an influence of another law - THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY.
Since the third degree human beings following their right Spiritual path back to the lights of Creator of everyody and all primary things prepare according to this new LAW - OF LIGHT VARIETY, when human beings are, as it was mentioned, devided into three basic groups according to their future work and devotion. Variety of the light spiritual path and work of human beings is so large that it is impossible to explain it altogether. It would be very wide-ranging work, as far as content is concerned, and we will continue, in writing, most important features of the right Spiritual path and our single messages, received by you terrestrial people in a telepathic way, will be described in a more detailed way because it is your light collective work.
Now we will move to explanation about another degree - the fourth degree of this the I. stage of spiritual development of human beings. It is the degree of activity, which shows the activity of human beings who got the gifts of spirit during learnig new principles. It is not just about learning to work with the gifts of the right spirit but also to get to know and understand the new LAW - OF LIGHT VARIETY and improvement of knowledge and mainly perceiving of THE LAW OF POLARITY, which should lead them to fulfilment of THE LAW OF COSMIC PEACE AND HARMONY, at the end of their Spiritual path.
That’s all for today about introduction of the fourth degree of activity and no we, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are saying good-bye to you.
Good night.”
835. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 5.11.1999. 21:15-22:35.
Place: Strakonice.
“We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you and we are very happy that you have sat down with a pencil behind the table to write about the Spiritual path of Creator of everybody and all primary things.
Yesterday it was writen in conclusion how a human being, in its physical body, here, incarnated on the Earth, learns new laws that it was told about. At this point there is a suitable chance to say something more about THE LAW OF POLARITY, we spoke about it in the previous message. As you already know, this law teaches these terrestrial people who follow the right Spiritual path to be humble and limitlessly tolerant. In this connection we come to a new fact, not explained yet, an effect of THE LAW OF POLARITY. It is obvious that one being follows the Spiritual path and the second is dependent on the physical world, not yet awaken for Spiritual work. The way as it is in this case, when only one human being follows the right Spiritual path back to the lights of Creator of everybody and all primary things, means such beings is lonely and it doesn’t have any fellow - a second human being with the same oppinion. We will write about it something more now because also at this point there is a strong effect of THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY.
We already know, that the aim of human beings who follow this right Spiritual path is to achieve, on the spiral of spiritual consciousness, THE ENLIGHTMENT – THE SHINING POINT. If two DUALITY CLOSE human beings follow this path, in case, when their path follow the spiral of spiritual consciousness desribed hereinbefore and if those beings achieve the Enlightment in their physical bodies, they will get, after their duality merge, to 13th degree of embryonic paradises of right spirit beings. If just one being follows the right Spiritual path and the other one is dependent on the physical world or if it follows the Spiritual path alone, without close partner, there starts to have an strong effect THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY, which will change the Spiritual path of such beings in this way. For those beings then are important these TWO laws:
This LAW influences human beings following this path since the first phaze until the fifth phaze, when gradualy starts to have an effect the SECOND LAW. It gradually changes because at this point of the fifth phaze on the spiral of spiritual consciousness comes the I. stage of development of human beings having 7 degrees. The fact of the effect of a change of time and also ending of the fifth phaze, was mentioned in the previous explanation. As far as this fact is concerned we will add that these phazes have separate progress for each human being who follow themselves the right Spiritual path, provided that these laws are activated. But it is longer time period than it was writen about explanation of the spiral of spiritual consciousness at the begining of this writing. We will not tell you the exact time of this period because it is very individual.
This LAW OF MERGE starts to have an effect since the fifth phaze - a sign, on the spiral of spiritual consciousness of human beings, and its main light task is to explain here clearly influence of this law of human beings who follow the Spiritual path lonely back to Creator of everybody and all primary things. This law starts to have an effect since the third degree, during following the Spiritual path of a being, - the growth of the I. stage of spiritual development of human beings because there is also starting influence of - THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY. The period of seven months is kept also here and also in two previous degrees. According to the THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY comes to the merge of all these three degrees, because a human being who follows this spiritual path does everything on its own and no close being helps it to cope with it because no other being follows the Spiritual path as it does. THE LAW OF MERGE will have a stronger effect if a human being enters another degree - the fourth degree - the degree of activity, where influences it THE LAW OF POLARITY, and again it doesn't have any close being to learn together to be humble and tolerant, and that are fruits of this law. This fact influences a human being with mutual merge of everything into more of all things than until now. The Primary Creator of everything and everybody knows about all beings who follow voluntarily the path back to Him and He sends to all of those beings, who follow the Spiritual path lonely, light help that after some necessary time, which also here means seven full moons, a human being can enter the fifth degree - of piece and harmony, where we, all Cosmic beings of light that exist, help a human being and it can then follow its Spiritual path on its own, on the spiral, until the Enlightment of it.
It will achieve this, but before it enters the 13th degree of embryonic paradises of the right beings spirit, it will get to the latent state of spirit on the spiritual sun, where they WAIT for its another close being for a very long time, which is also led to find its Spiritual path here in the physical world. Everytime when it leaves its physical body during incarnation, it is sharpened in spiritual worlds of the first degree - of moons and planets, so that it could recall its spiritual task after incarnation and it followed voluntarily the path to Creator of everybody and everything.
In conclusion, it is in need to add that EVERY human being has a CLOSE BEING here in this physical world. The task for human beings is to FIND ONE ANOHER and then follow together the Spiritual path back to Creator of everybody and everything. That's completely all about the path of human beings in their physical bodies thus incarnated, who thus themselves follow the right Spiritual path on the spiral of spiritual consciousness.
Today we will explain another important law for all human beings who follow right the Spiritual path. It is THE LAW OF INTERRUPTION. This law is important for all these human beings and sets a law for these beings, if they follow the Spiritual path on the spiral of spiritual consciousness and they will NOT FINISH this path, because of any reason, to achieve the Enlightment in their physical bodies and they leave their physical bodies and their souls - astral bodies are PREPARED, in spiritual worlds of the third degree of galactic suns, for other incarnations, to make it more easy to recall their light tasks, when they enter physical bodies of other incarnations. Human beings, who follow their right Spiritual path lonely, also use this choice very often to choose a right time, when also their close being who was not yet awoken, was incarnated together with them into physical body. Then they have another choice, if they find each other. They can follow together the right Spiritual path to the Enlightment to free them from material world.
In this way we can feel everywhere the purest intelligence of Creator of everybody and all primary things, who gives human beings variety of choices during their Spiritual path. That's all from us for today and we, everybody in our spaceships, are saying good-bye to you. Good night and sweet dreams."
836. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 6.11.1999. 22:10-23:05.
Place: Strakonice.
„We are here with you again, your Cosmic friends from spaceships, everywhere above you. Today we shall continue in writing about the Spiritual path of our Creator of everybody and all primary things. We will go ahead with a description of the I. stage of spiritual development: we shall move to explanation about another degree - the fifth degree of rest and harmony.
The revolution f - phase 6. SENSE OF TOUCH:
5. The degree of REST AND HARMONY
Human beings were working very actively by now and they were endowed with a range of exceptional new abilities, which they have not dreamt about before that at all. After that exciting work regularity demonstrates itself by appearance of the fifth degree of rest and harmony, which according with its designation brings for people calming and harmonizing effect. That is necessary, since they must be CALMED SUFFICIENTLY yet before they get to the fulfillment of their first essential light task, so as not to make big mess or even own mistakes, which could seriously jeopardize their progress on the right Spiritual path leading back to the lights of our Creator of everybody and everything, because they do not have enough experiences. The beings just in intended time on this fifth degree get ripe for that spiritual activity, which was designated for them by the Primary Creator. That fifth degree is denoted as a degree of rest and harmony, to designate the state of minds of these human beings, here occurring. In this state these beings do work, not vice versa.
At this fifth degree there are again prepared for them some light tasks, together five of them in this mutual light link-up:
Entering here on this fifth degree, human being is receiving into the mind strong impulsion of thoughts, to be notified, that now is the time for rest and harmonizing. If the human being accepts that, and enjoys rest receiving harmonizing effects, then is revealed insight into some spiritual worlds, which are characterized also by the purest light order of harmony. Consequently is fulfilled this first task.
The human being then can by means of inner sight primarily view the spiritual lunar and planetary worlds of the first degree, where might stay just for a short while. Immediately after that enters the second degree of the spiritual worlds of planetary suns, where might stay little longer. That’s the second task: to view by means of inner sight these spiritual worlds and to embrace the light happenings in them inwardly.
The insight subsequently deepens and the human being then can view the spiritual worlds of the galactic suns of the third degree. That’s the third task: to embrace the happenings there inwardly.
Then the human being enters the fourth degree of the cosmic suns. That’s the fourth task: to embrace the happenings there inwardly, analogously
as regarding the fifth task rewarding him with the short insight into the spiritual sun of souls - the astral bodies, already liberated form the material stuff.
In this way is here assigned the task by the Primary Creator of everybody and everything for human beings appearing there on the fifth degree.
And that’s again symbolic happening, occurring in parallel on two levels. The first level symbolizes the path for human beings thus passing through particular degrees (1. - 5.) of the I. stage in the course of spiritual development, and the second level was determined by hierarchies of spiritual worlds. This hiearchization comes up to the number of particular degrees of the I. stage in the course of spiritual development of human beings. The primary Creator also determined, that the parallel works yet beyond the initiatory degrees (1. - 5.), also beyond the sixth and the seventh degree, interconnected by the way of symbolism in the spiritual worlds with the degree of embryonic beings of the right spirit and the degree of God’s first born ones. But for the human beings is not revealed insight into these worlds, since these worlds are strongly incandescent and the human beings would not endure such an illumination. This parallel is in the course of spiritual growth yet repeated once more on the II. stage of their development. That stage is characterized also by seven seasons.
That’s all from us, for the present, regarding the parallel happenings and this fifth degree. See you next time, when we shall continue in this writing. We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are saying good-by to you. Good night.“
837. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 7.11.1999. 21:30-22:30.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening again, and we are very happy that thus can be recorded another message about the Spiritual path of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, for all terrestrials living on your and our planet Earth, so beloved, incarnated in their physical bodies.
The revolution f - phase 6. SENSE OF TOUCH:
6. The degree of INDIVIDUAL WORK
Today we shall link the writing to the yesterday’s message, dealing with the fifth degree of rest and harmony, where these human beings had thus fulfilled their light tasks, determined for them by the Primary Creator of everybody and everything, so that they may now advance further on the right Spiritual path - to the sixth degree of their individual work. This degree of the „individual“ work can be considered as a dividing line of their incarnations they had experienced by now. Just here they are endowed for the FIRST TIME with a spiritual body intended for their work, into which they are to be later initiated on the seventh degree, in order to liberate themselves from their material dependencies; they attain enlightenment and come to the change of vibrations conformable with the higher spiritual worlds of the Creator of everybody and all the primary things. That all light happening is presented in such a way, that every being, thus treading on the right Spiritual path, shall recognize what kind of a dividing line was drawn in the present live. That’s very important for such being, because then can be aware of the significance of that dividing line, giving the being another lesson. If the human being treading on the Spiritual path came just to this point of the sixth degree - the individual work, then has advanced again in own spiritual development, along the spiral of spiritual consciousness, specific highness of that consciousness. And it is very important, that the human being remembers all the time, that any mistake, which that being would make at present, has to be paid for at a high rate. We are not going to describe such mistakes now, since we have done that already earlier. Rather we shall come to a point of another explanation, of the sixth degree - of individual work.
First of all let’s define the term „individual“. Our readers certainly come to a conclusion, that a work could not be defined as entirely „individual“. We, the beings of light, coming from all existing universes, are acting here. The individual work of human beings is enabled by the fact, that they for the first time in their physical states employ the gifts of spirit, presented by our Primary Creator of everybody, to be able thus to help in unselfless way earthbound fellow men, and consequently to tread on the right Spiritual path back towards the incandescent lights, leading up to our Creator of everybody and of all primary things.
Yes, it is necessary to present here the method of affecting these human beings by us, your Cosmic friends. This affecting takes place on three levels, where we are operating to support these human beings in their fulfillment of their light tasks. The first level is based on form of telephaty communication, which is on the sixth degree already very spontaneous, and consequently the human being thus can to communicate with us even for many hours, without being somehow restrained or debilitated.
That’s the elementary level of our activities, followed by another level of operations for mediating to all these human beings the ability of seeing through auras of their terrestrial fellowmen in such a way, that this ability could be made use of for this spiritual work. However, this level of the sixth degree is not functional so spontaneously as the first level, but that’s nothing unusual for that human being, owing to the fact, that this being was acquainted with that already earlier, while experiencing other phases of this I. stage of spiritual development.
Eventually we affect that human being final by means of so called transforming promotion, which is essentially resultant of both previous actions, in another words: it is the goal of those two previous levels of our affecting human beings. On previous degrees of the I. stage of spiritual development were human beings endowed with specific gift of spirit, which was presented by the Primary Creator of everybody and everything, to enable them working for their other terrestrial fellowmen. And now, here on this sixth degree of individual work, these human beings are participating in spiritual work, making use of the highest gifts of spirit. That happens first always on this sixth degree, when additionally is yet supplemented this our another impact on human beings. That impact we call transforming.
And now we are going to explain, why we call that just transforming impact. That’s because the human being in physical body is functioning as a transformer. Transformer of subtle energies from the higher spiritual worlds of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. We are mediating these subtle energies and with the help of thus affected human being are the mentioned energies brought here into the material worlds, for the benefit of all other terrestrials. The fact, that human being begins in the physical body thus to function as a transformer, should be considered as a significant dividing line of incarnation on this sixth degree, as mentioned at the beginning of this message. On that account it is necessary, that such being takes care to avoid making mistakes on this right Spiritual path, leading back to the Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
That’s all from us about that, and next time we shall yet record more in detail regarding this topic: how are human beings in the concrete working here proportionally to gifts of spirit, which they were endowed with by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
As we have already said, that’s all from us, your Cosmic friends, and we are looking forward, that we will next time again transmit to you other messages to be recorded.“
838. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 8.11.1999. 22:30-23:20.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening again, and we are very happy that you are thus together with your beloved Liduska cooperating in writing about the Spiritual path of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
We shall without delay pick up again the topic concerned with the work of human beings on the sixth degree - of their individual work, in accordance with the assignment to three categories, created on the basis of the concrete gift of spirit, with which the human beings were on the previous degrees endowed by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
1 - Medicinal work of light
Let us begin with the first category, consisting of human beings endowed with the gift of extraordinary healing ability, together with the gift of perfect ability to see through auras of their terrestrial fellowmen. These endowed human beings then function here on this sixth degree as transformers of self-vibratory energies affecting other human beings by means of very effectual therapy, often with miraculous effect. These beings for the first time in their human life have the opportunity to take part in the light work for our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, and that’s really very dazzling for them. This therapy is thus effective without any laboratory instruments, preparations for nature cure, various rods or pendulums. Everything is based on the light thought, transformed through the receiver - the human beings incarnated in this physical body here, on this beautiful planet Earth - here in these material worlds; that’s again the only one condition for that: to walk persistently on this right Spiritual path; don’t not leave it, without reference to what the world around presents.
2 - Meditative work of light
Now we come to the commentary on the second category, where these human beings are predestined for the light work of meditation, supported by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, through the medium of his two gifts of spirit: First, seeing auras of their terrestrial fellowmen partly, and second, gift of spirit becoming evident by way of extraordinary faculty to heal, with the focus on integral regeneration, harmonizing and liberating human bodies and souls of fellowmen. This light work is externalized to perception of brightest and clearest colours, together with harmonious tones, in the sense of cultural conception, expressing very strong artistic feelings of these human beings thus working. It follows that at this light work is the lay of these human beings substantially extended, and they themselves thus function also as a transformer, mediating their other terrestrial fellowmen more new findings.
3 - Teleinformative work of light
Subsequently to the commentary on the second category there is left yet the third category of these human beings; this group of beings, destined for the most demanding light work of telephaty, since this category is quantitatively the smallest one and this work is the most exacting. These beings are supported by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, through the medium of his two gifts of spirit: First, basic clairvoyant perception of their terrestrial fellowmen, and second gifts of spirit, the faculty of telephatic communication with other human beings; this will be explained here yet in detail. Our Primary Creator decided, that in contrast to both previous categories, these human beings will be endowed with this different gift of spirit, predestined by their light work, which is focused on transmission, processing and distribution of information regarding spiritual topics and principles. The human being thus functions here as a transformer, but in this case as the bi-directional one, and this means, that such human being might receive by means of telephaty form another being, and simultaneously also transmit own thoughts to other beings, which with wants at pleasure establish this telephatic contact.
That’s the gift of spirit for human beings of the third category. In conclusion we should mention the connected fact, that we, your Cosmic friends, always assist at these transformations; that all is managed through the medium of the poorest will of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. These human beings, treading thus on the right Spiritual path, have to comply with the demand of increased vibration of their physical bodies and minds, to be able to work thus with the unprecedented gifts of spirit, given by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
By this final recapitulation is our message completed. See you next time, when we shall continue in this writing. We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are saying good-by to you. Good night.“
839. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 9.11.1999. 20:50-22:20.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you a little earlier this evening again, and we are very happy that thus can be along with us recorded another message about the Spiritual path of our Creator of everybody and all primary things.
Today we come at the final, seventh degree of the I. stage of human spiritual development. This is the degree of KNOWLEDGE, awarded on the seventh degree right at the end, when the human being experiences recapitulation of this current Spiritual path from the beginning to this initiation.
We shall provide here overall summary of this recapitulation, analogous to what some people went through, when they were unexpectedly touched by Near-Death Experience: They could recapitulate their current life in similar manner through the medium of their inner sight. But there is a small difference regarding time. The recapitulation running on the seventh degree of the I. stage is scheduled by our primary Creator of everything and everybody in such a way, that gradually unwinds in a spell determined for this seventh degree of knowledge: consequently lasts, as was already mentioned earlier, seven months (your terrestrial full moons). But here described the second recapitulation occurs in one very short moment; that’s the difference between both.
But let us hark back now to the recapitulation running here on this seventh degree of knowledge. We shall right away specify the reality accompanying such recapitulation. That reality always reflects the key light goal to be accomplished in separate phases of spiritual development of human beings.
Let us begin here with the first phase of the spiral of spiritual consciousness, which aims at the light goal to mediate the knowledge regarding spiritual principles of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything for the terrestrial human being incarnated on this beautiful planet Earth into physical body.
The second phase should then mediate for this human being, following the additional light effort made by that being, the telepathic communication with us, your Cosmic friends; that’s essential for ensuing spiritual development.
Here the spiral of spiritual consciousness of human beings always unwinds very fast and the being of a sudden appears in the third phase, where receives from our Primary Creator of everybody and everything the gift of implant, which is the most suitable for this special Spiritual path. Then follows yet the preparation for the fourth phase - the next one.
The light goal here consists in fulfillment of the spiritual task, and consequently in coming through the complex tests, down to the marrow of one’s bones.
As it is already known, the aim of the fifth phase consists in meeting face to face with us, your Cosmic friends, on one of the two levels taking effect here. And now we come at more complicated operation, since the entire sixth phase is already shaped in the I. stage of the spiritual development of human being, and consists of seven light steps, which could possibly lead even back to the fifth phase. But the way how it happens was explained already earlier, and we are now going to continue with this exposition focused on these separate degrees of the I. stage of spiritual development, leading the human beings on the right Spiritual path to our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
The aim of the first degree consists in checking of the human beings regarding the quality of their faith, whether it is pure and the right one, and also regarding their meekness: these two attributes are very important for the human beings treading on the Spiritual path.
The second degree then has more light objectives. Right at the beginning we start with theoretical preparations of human beings for initiation, which proceeds through the medium of telephatic messages; some of them will be rated by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything for processing and distributing among all the other terrestrial fellowmen. Simultaneously with this theoretical preparation is then proceeding opening of the inner sight of some beings, or the first seeing of auras emanating around trees or other terrestrials. The human beings learn here to understand THE LAW OF POLARITY, and they get acquainted also with THE LAW OF UNITY.
The aim of the third degree then consists in endowment of the human beings with the gifts of spirit, presented by the Primary Creator of everybody and everything right at the beginning, when the beings are endowed also with the gift of seeing through auras emanating around their terrestrial fellowmen; this faculty is consequently sharpened and refined. In the final phase of the third degree are the beings endowed by the Primary Creator with the gift of spirit determined for classifying them into three categories, which were here also mentioned. On this third degree, and also on the following fourth and fifth degree, that faculty is a latent state, and is activated upon entrance into the sixth degree. Everything what happens here on this third degree is liable to THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY. With that law thus all human beings get acquainted immediately upon their entrance into this degree.
The aim of the fourth degree consists in continual and persistent sharpening and refinement of the spiritual faculties, with which the human beings were endowed by our Primary Creator of everything and everybody upon the entrance into the third degree, and in further learning of these laws proclaimed by the Primary Creator - including THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY and POLARITY.
Then the human beings get appeased on the fifth degree, where they are enabled to peep into the spiritual world of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything; that’s felt as a precious gift. The human beings get yet more harmonized and appeased by that, to be prepared for the light work on the sixth degree.
There the light goal is based on our activities on two levels (the telepathic one and mediation of visualization auras of your terrestrial fellowmen), leading the human beings to the level of transformation, where for the first time in this life they have an opportunity to enjoy their light spiritual work, for which they will be also without delay initiated.
We reach the end of the recapitulation on the seventh degree of knowledge, and also of the description concerned with the seventh degree of the I. stage of spiritual development embracing the human beings. Thus is concluded also the sixth phase of spiritual growth, called SENSE OF TOUCH. With the conclusion of the summary of this seventh degree, the human being is thus initiated for the spiritual light work, which will be more effective owing to more frequent use of the highest spiritual gifts, presented by our Creator of everybody and all primary things. Next begins the II. stage of spiritual development of human beings (7 seasons x 7 terrestrial years); this is the subject of the seventh phase called WORD.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, we all wish you good night and sweet dreams.“
840. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 10.11.1999. 22:35-23:10.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you a little earlier this evening again; let us thus right away go ahead with writing about the Spiritual path of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, transmitted to you, the terrestrials, living on this beautiful planet Earth.
Regarding the initiation of human beings, treading on their right path leading to the incandescent lights of our and your Primary Creator, we should yet additionally explain, how that their initiation proceeds. In the first place is laid stress on the place of that initiation: the light rule states that such place should be always searched for in the open nature, in order to exclude possibility of disturbances and actions of coarse vibrations. Two persons akin to each other are welcome to partake of that, but this is not specified as an essential condition., of course, because even only one human being, treading on this right Spiritual path in seclusion could be thus initiated into the following light work.
The INITIATION of these human beings proceeds by means of their concentrating on impact of environmental vibrations - emanated by nature, trees, flowers and beings of light everywhere around. The human beings can view that all by means of inner sight and then is established spontaneous telephatic contact with us, your Cosmic friends. By means of telephaty these human beings thus also obtain information regarding their improving level of vibrations. Then is subsequently activated their ability of seeing auras emanating around surrounding trees and plants. Everything is pure in a natural state, without any disturbances and actions of coarse vibrations anywhere. On this bases at that moment the human beings for the first time in their physical lives get view of our auras, emanating around us, the beings of light. That’s a signal for us: we should affect them on the level of transformation, which proceeds in unidirectional way - from us, your Cosmic friends. But these human beings function here as an accumulator, not as a transformer.
Thus is effected the specific objective: the human beings are initiated to be thus saturated with accumulated fine-vibratory energies from our Primary Creator of everybody and everything; that will be also considered as another landmark on their Spiritual path, as they enter the seventh phase called „Word“, simultaneously coming into the first season of sharpening of spiritual gifts, at the beginning of the II. stage of human spiritual development.
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
Here, in this first season of sharpening of spiritual gifts, this light work of human beings proceeds in such a way, that the sharpening occurs on two levels. The human beings work here like on the sixth degree of Individual work, in the I. stage of spiritual development, when they are thus transforming fine-vibratory energies for the benefit of all their terrestrial fellowmen. That’s by itself very demanding, as for outlay of energy, and human beings therefore thus function only for a while on the sixth degree of the I. stage of spiritual development. With the view of their following work, it is very necessary for them to compensate this deficit of energy, and that happens by means of the above-mentioned accumulation - in another words, within the initiation into their spiritual light work. Then, within the first season of the II. stage of spiritual development, the human beings sift this light work to accomplish perfection in that, which they can rely on later, in the course of their treading on the Spiritual path. Regarding this first season we should mention that human beings, thus very briskly working, employ the gifts of spirit, presented by our Primary Creator of everybody; that’s already again the light phase of their spiritual consciousness. However, that’s still just sharpening of spiritual gifts, presented by the Primary Creator; these human beings have to travel very long way to accomplish perfection of pure spirit here, in the materiality of the highest quality - the incandescent point.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends; we all are saying good-by to you from spaceships everywhere above you.
We wish you good night and sweet dreams as pure as the driven snow.“
841. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 11.11.1999. 22:10-23:15.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you at this evening hour, and we are very happy that our Creator of everybody and all primary things enabled us to continue in recording of another message about this Spiritual path.
Today, after a short introduction to the first season of the II. stage of human spiritual development, we shall make available for you further information relevant to spiritual regularities, thus established by our Primary Creator for all human beings treading on this Spiritual path. Some regularities were already mentioned earlier, as part of the I. stage of spiritual development: also here, in the seventh phase of this first season of sharpening of spiritual gifts operate THE LAW OF POLARITY and THE LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY. These two laws apply to these human beings in the course of their treading on the Spiritual path as long as they reach the incandescent point of enlightenment.
It means that these light laws delimit also this level; on this level THE LAW OF POLARITY defines meekness together with infinite tolerance for the human beings: from that results their acquaintance with certain reality, supporting them in their everyday work. The human beings, incarnated into their physical bodies on this your and our beloved planet Earth, often are not conscious of the fact, that essentially everything is energy - vibration, thus enlivening even themselves. However, in the first season of sharpening of spiritual gifts, on this II. stage of their spiritual development dwelling human beings know all about that, since they were for this instructed abstracedly already in the course of the I. stage of their spiritual development: when they were supported by our light help earlier on the second degree of preparation, and also on the higher degrees of the I. stage they had opportunity to check out how was that established by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. Yes, this light reality determines, that every human being, thus incarnated in the physical body, is poled through the medium of inner energetic plus pole and minus pole. These two poles support the hands of these human beings, and it does not make any difference whether the right hand is connected with plus pole or minus pole, and the same applies for the left hand.
We are not going to begin now with description of the way how the human beings in the concrete make use of these two poles. It is important here to stress once more, that this season is marked by such everyday light work of all human beings. When you will write about that later, it shall become the topic of your further light work, also determined by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything for all human beings here in the physical bodies thus incarnated.
Now we shall continue in the theoretical comment on the LIGHT REGULARITIES, established by our Creator of everybody and all primary things; these regularities hold for the spiritual development of everybody treading here on this right Spiritual path. There is yet another LAW, of LIGHT VARIETY, strongly affecting and then classifying these human beings into categories in such a way, that the groupuscules are particularly goal-directed as far as the spiritual work is concerned. From a great variety of such possible groupuscules we shall now list only the basic ones, the most common groupuscules, in accordance with the kind of the light work:
1) The work of light, well-founded by means of HEALING ABILITIES, combined with the work of light of RECEIVING INFORMATION earlier not available for you on this planet Earth.
2) The work of light, well-founded by means of HEALING ABILITIES, combined with the MEDITATIVE work of light focused on harmonization and regeneration of physical bodies and souls of terrestrials.
3) The work of light, well-founded by means of HEALING ABILITIES, combined with the MEDITATIVE work of light focused on light perception of colours and tones, sensing them and transforming into work of art.
4) The MEDITATIVE work of light focused on harmonization and regeneration of physical bodies and souls of terrestrials, combined with the MEDITATIVE work of light focused on light perception of colours and tones, sensing them and transforming into work of art.
5) The TELEINFORMATIVE work of light focused on sifting, processing and disseminating information about spiritual principles, combined with the MEDITATIVE work of light focused on harmonization and regeneration of physical bodies and souls of terrestrials.
6) The TELEINFORMATIVE work of light focused on sifting, processing and disseminating information about spiritual principles, combined with the MEDITATIVE work of light focused on perception of colours and tones, sensing them and transforming into work of art.
7) The TELEINFORMATIVE work of light focused on sifting, processing and disseminating information about spiritual principles, combined with the work of light focused on RECEIVING INFORMATION earlier not available for you on this planet Earth.
Well these are the basic groupuscules of human beings thus working here for the Primary Creator of everybody and everything. We purposely described them in a roundabout way because of that light reason, so that our readers could more easily memorize these seven basic groupuscules, since that are additional spiritual principles, given by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, and resulting from that LAW OF LIGHT VARIETY.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you; we are looking forward to see you next time again, and we all wish you good night.“
842. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 12.11.1999. 21:55-22:50.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening again, continually and lastly with the infinite cosmic love.
Today we shall additionally yet write up this concluding information, relevant to the yesterday’s explanation about the seven groupuscules, to enlighten in the right way all the human beings on the joint light work of transmitting information to you, terrestrials, earlier not available for you on this planet Earth, as we recorded already in the former message. But here, on the level of the seven basic groupuscules, this light activity involves only groupuscule No. 1 and then No. 7 - that’s the first one and the last one. This is thus established because of that light reason: these beings working in the groupuscules No. 1 and No. 7 accept information about the spiritual principles, but such information were earlier not available for you, people living on this beautiful planet Earth. The way here is more universal, and also more extensive, than in the remaining five groupuscules, although even there people thus work, by means of this light activity, in favour of their other terrestrial fellowmen. But the information they record are more concrete and relate to their immediate light work, for which these human beings were assigned.
In the case of groupuscule No. 1 there are two alternative types of these information. First, relating to their light work, assigned for them by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, and second, light information related to the Spiritual paths of human beings, and also of other beings of light, including souls - all astral bodies, existing in spiritual worlds and universes of our and your primary Creator of everybody.
In the case of groupuscule No. 7 these beings themselves receive information generally about various spiritual principles. These information are thus PASSED on all their terrestrial fellowmen, and in addition are yet PROCESSED and DISSEMINATED all the new information coming from other human beings, thus working for the light in other groupuscules.
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
That’s all as for the basic groupuscules in this first season of the II. stage of human spiritual development. And now let’s go over to this second season of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts. We have to explain the difference between the first season of sharpening and the second season of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts: The sharpening here means learning that and gradual progress means the beginning of practice, consequently when the human beings here working learned something, and when through the medium of practice they gradually make themselves perfect in that light activity, in order to be able to advance further on their right Spiritual path.
Regarding this second season of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts, we shall today yet enter into details of the REGULARITIES OF LIGHT here functioning. There are three such regularities, which could be called:
You look now somewhat distrustfully, since you have not seen these terms beforehand in your mind, which was purposely switched off, so that we could lead you more effectively while you are writing. To wit, that’s also one of the spiritual principles, established by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, called the LAW OF PURITY, which means, cleanness of the medium’s mind. The medium is thus capacitated for the right and fair telepathic recording of these spiritual truths. Here will be yet recorded, that thus functions your left hand, because you are a telepathic medium, although normally you are a right-hander. Therefore these lines are written through the medium of your left hand.
But now we are saying good-by to you. Next time we shall again transmit for you, the terrestrials, something about the three above mentioned regularities. At present we, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, wish you good night and sweet dreams.“
843. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 13.11.1999. 21:30-22:20.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening again, and right now we shall continue in writing about the Spiritual path of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, transmitted to you, the terrestrials, living on this beautiful planet Earth.
Let us thus begin with the input information, regarding yesterday mentioned the first REGULARITY - INGRESSION. By that is meant ingression of human beings, so perfectly incarnated in their physical bodies, into this second season of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts, in the II. stage of spiritual development. That’s very important for these human beings, because their improvement in their light work for the Primary Creator of everybody and everything will at the final phase of this second season result in reaching another landmark of this right Spiritual path. We shall explain that later. Now, regarding that ingression we additionally refer to the fact, that during this season the human beings are working quite naturally with the gifts presented by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, because during the first season they had this work sifted. Later, when certain period had expired after the ingression of human beings into this second season, the causation of this LAW OF INGRESSION passes away,
and the second LAW OF GRADUAL PROGRESS begins to operate, since human beings here will perfectly accomplish this light work of using spiritual gifts.
Then follows that transition into causality of the third REGULARITY, the last one - THE LAW OF INCARNATION, which is herewith the aim for these human beings, thus treading on their right Spiritual path. Now we shall elucidate that term - incarnation. By that is not ment, of course, an incarnation of souls - of the astral bodies into their physical bodies. This term is thus used just in a symbolic way, since the human beings in the final phase of that second season - of gradual progress, in accordance with application of spiritual gifts - in a certain way go through a change, namely a change of mind, which had thus leveled up its light vibration. That’s already fairly high phase of spiritual consciousness of these human beings. However, that state of mind, thus oscillating in this vibration, is yet wide of reaching the higher state - the high-vibratory one - which after sifting and gradual progress changes into incandescent point, the enlightenment. This conception of incarnation here consequently means the change of vibratory mind of the human beings, working thus on this planet for our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, and this change results in easing of the mind and harmonizing of all processes which are under way. Then it does not happen already, that the human beings, with their minds consequently set at rest, would be put off balance. After certain period of time these human beings thus reached this state of mind, and now their light task, on this Spiritual path leading back to the incandescent lights of the Primary Creator, consists not only in keeping this state of mind, but also, after its sifting, in raising it to the higher level.
That’s thus given by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything; these information consequently will be here generally issued upon the whole, and the basic regularities taking effect in separate seasons will be in short explained for the brief review of this right Spiritual path leading back to the Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
As was already mentioned earlier, the reason of this writing here, regarding the Spiritual path of human beings, does not consist in providing various detailed information. That’s a subject of another light work of these human beings, which also gives the full meaning to their corporeal life in such a way, that they will be able to come nearer some way to our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you; we wish you good night“
844. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 14.11.1999. 6:15-7:00.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are now again with you, and we are pleased, that so early on Sunday morning you desire to accept from us another message regarding the Spiritual path of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
Now we shall begin to record information relevant to another season of this II. stage of human spiritual development - termed as the third season of starting of very active work by means of spiritual gifts, presented by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
Here, in this season, all human beings already cope very well with this light work, which was already sifted and then gradually developed in the two previous seasons. Consequently, here they start to become involved in their very active function. At this point the task of these human beings again consists in their working for our Creator of everybody and all primary things, and they are supposed not to yield an inch on this right Spiritual path. Here the human beings thus undergo a long-lasting test: if they persist in their light work,
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
4. season of preparation for the Enlightenment and
activ application of spiritual gifts.
then, after elapsing of distinctive period of time, they will consequently get into the next season - the fourth one, termed as the season of preparation for the Enlightenment and application of spiritual gifts.
These two seasons are here thus described concurrently, and will be provided with a joint explanation, but the evident difference comes to light: it ensues from the lesson for reader.
Concerning the final phase of the second season was already mentioned, how the human beings here level up their vibratory state of mind in such a way, that they set their minds at rest, and then they are supposed at least to keep that higher state while they continue in treading on the Spiritual path. Later, in the third season, these human beings thus undergo a test: by their light work they demonstrate whether or not they could get out of that Spiritual path, and the same holds true in the fourth season, when in addition their subconscious mind receives this light information respecting further possible passage of their vibratory conscience. That’s here explained fittingly, although in a very simplified way, and it stands good concerning this way in these two seasons, again together with another light regularities of the Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
These regularities result from the objective reality, that in their physical bodies the human beings get through relatively demanding test, covering in these two seasons 2 x 7 years of their corporeality, and that’s comparatively long period of time. Not all the beings are able to get that under control, and therefore other regularities here start to function, within the bounds of THE LAW OF RETURN, which direct these human beings always back, along the spiral of spiritual consciousness; the determining factor relates to the relevancy of mistakes which these human beings had committed.
Now we shall draw here the schema, illustrating how this light happening runs:
Figure 1
Yes, this schema thus correctly illustrates how these regularities function on the Spiritual paths of human beings in the third and fourth season.
That’s all from us, your Cosmic friends; we all are saying good-by to you from spaceships everywhere above you, looking forward to the next recording of our messages. Bye now.“
845. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 15.11.1999. 22:00-23:40.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you at this evening hour again; let us right away continue in this explanation of other regularities, touching the human beings, who find themselves in their seventh phase of the spiral of spiritual consciousness, in the II. stage related to the third and fourth season.
Upon entry into this third and fourth season, at first thus always functions THE LAW OF INGRESSION, applying to a concrete light task for these human beings. Such task is not too difficult. It is focused on a small recapitulation, consequently proceeding always at the beginning of the third and fourth season, before the human beings continue in treading on this Spiritual path. The human being each time here resumes own overall spiritual development, and then at the beginning of the fourth season this recapitulation includes also the third season: the human being’s treading on the Spiritual path during the third season might proceed in various ways, in accordance with other here functioning regularities.
First of all let us thus expound on the Spiritual path, which the human beings are treading on during the third season: after THE LAW OF INGRESSION here functions THE LAW OF CREATION; it symbolizes the consciousness of human beings concerned with God’s presence everywhere and in everything, and on this basis also their desire for participation on this creation.
This is established for them by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything by means of function of another regularity - THE LAW OF WORK, when the human beings participate in the creation of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything through their spiritual work for all their terrestrial fellowmen. That is consequently occurring for certain period of time, and the force of THE LAW OF PERTURBATION are gradually beginning to feel human beings who are thus treading on their Spiritual path. This regularity serves also as that principal test: it reveals, whether they will persist in their light work and do not lose their right Spiritual path. This test is carried out by way of wiles and nets of matter; the human beings, thus treading on their right Spiritual path back to the Primary Creator of everybody and everything, are faced with the great task which is to be handled by them, and they should not sink into matter, so as not to revert back along the spiral to ignorance: then they would not pursue any spiritual activity.
If these human beings manage this task, they can consequently make further progress, because our Primary Creator of everybody and everything will provide them with the light assistance in the form of THE LAW OF HELP, and here all human beings shall also behold the actual reality: how it was helpful for them, that they did not lose their right Spiritual path, and they consequently can make further progress in their right spiritual development and thus enter the fourth season of preparation for the Enlightenment and application of spiritual gifts.
We have already explained how functions here THE LAW OF INGRESSION: in another words, the spiritual development to date of human beings is again recapitulated, and immediately after that begins to function THE LAW OF CREATION. Here in the fourth season linked for these human beings to an entirely new feeling of hazy presentiment of something very incandescent and brightly shinning, as if it was coming to them from a great distance. At that moment all these human beings thus awake to the presence of the Primary Creator everywhere and in everything, and consequently is in them again also awakened the desire to participate in this creation, and that is immediately enabled for them by the function of spiritual work for their terrestrial fellowmen; then draws somewhat nearer to them their hazy presentiment of bright and incandescent lights of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. As these human beings continue in their spiritual work, their mind is filled yet more with that hazy presentiment of bright and incandescent lights, and after certain period of time this consequently brings on the function of THE LAW OF PERTURBATION; before that all these human beings assured themselves in their presentiment of the right lights of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
By this LAW OF PERTURBATION is awakened in them so strong burning desire for more substantial cognition of these bright and incandescent lights, that these human beings are not conscious of the reality, that they are not yet equally prepared for so near cognition of our primary Creator of everybody and everything. That’s actually another great test: if they adequately control their burning desire, it they learn that they are unready, and if they take a resolution to continue in treading on this Spiritual path back to the right and bright lights of our and your Primary Creator according to the existing REAL LAWS, then begins to function THE LAW OF HELP: the Primary Creator assists them in filling their mind with peace and harmony, and then, according to the acting law of transition, also in their ingression into the fifth season of first experience of high vibration consciousness in preparations for the Enlightenment.
We have got yet left to explain how functions THE LAW OF RETURN on the Spiritual path of these spiritual human beings. This explanations illustrates, how great is the test, facing all the human beings in the third and in the fourth season. In these seasons THE LAW OF RETURN acts continually here during their treading on the Spiritual path, except their ingression into the separate seasons, when they pass through the recapitulation to review what was already accomplished on their right Spiritual path. Our schema also illustrates, how acting of THE LAW OF RETURN gets stronger when the human beings find themselves in the period of perturbation, since the same attracts the same, and any disharmony tends to deepen.
Now we shall throw more light on effect of THE LAW OF RETURN. It was already mentioned, that if the human beings, treading on the right Spiritual path, commit any mistakes, the determining factor relates to the RELEVANCY OF SUCH MISTAKES, causing direct effect of THE LAW OF RETURN, affecting these beings.
That happens on the four levels. The first one, of repeating return, relates to a human being, who committed a mistake, but learned from it in time, and therefore does not lose the right Spiritual path. That being remains in the same phase of spiral of spiritual development as before: just re-sits some grades - in the I. stage or in the first season - possibly in the II. stage, or the whole appropriate phase, if dwells somewhat bellow. By the conception „in time“ we here mean, that by these mistakes such fallible being had not caused any damage - not a material damage, but a SPIRITUAL ONE, without harming oneself or other fellowmen.
The second level - of FRACTIONAL RETURN
Next - on the second level, of fractional return, the human being understands that committed a mistake, harming oneself or other fellowmen, but it is too late, because as a consequence caused a SPIRITUAL DAMAGE, NOT EXCEEDING USUAL EXTEND. That being is along the spiral of spiritual consciousness sent back to the first phase in such a way, that some of the knowledge or cognition of spiritual principles is preserved, and the being thus has a better chance to strife for the spiritual growth again, along the spiral of spiritual development.
The third level - of SUBSTANTIAL RETURN
If the human being treading on the Spiritual paths, as a consequence of the committed faults, causes VERY SERIOUS HARM to oneself or to other fellowmen, consequently regarding the third level of effect we talk about THE LAW OF SUBSTANTIAL RETURN. The human being is then along the spiral of spiritual consciousness sent back to corporeity in such a way, that the spiritual consciousness of that being again becomes only a point or a dot. It takes some time, before the human being could be awakened, and the spiral of spiritual consciousness again unwinds. Sometimes it takes a long time, even few incarnations, before that human being comes to a point, when can unwind the spiral of spiritual consciousness.
The fourth level - of TOTAL RETURN
And now we come at this explanation of the fourth level of total return. The attribute „TOTAL“ is the apposite one. Thus are sent back the human beings, who not only committed very serious mistakes, but also EXTENSIVELY HAD WRONGED our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, and offended His UNIVERSAL LAWS. After leaving their physical bodies, these human beings are not being prepared for another incarnation in the spiritual worlds of the first grade (moons and planets), but they enter parallel universes of holomic souls to atone for these inexcusable transgressions.
Thus was here explained, how the LAW OF RETURN touches the human beings, consequently passing through the third and fourth season of the II. stage of spiritual development. Let’s call it a day.
We wish you good night and sweet dreams. We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, hope that you will contact us again next time.“
845.1 Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 16.11.1999. 22:45-23:30.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you at this evening hour again; let us right away link this message to yesterday’s topic: how functions THE LAW OF RETURN on four levels.
That function was thus explained here regarding the third and the fourth season of the phase of spiritual consciousness. But if the human beings, while treading on the right Spiritual path, leading to the incandescent lights of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, do wrong in ANY PHASE of this spiral, then they are consequently touched by THE LAW OF RETURN. There is only one criterion for the level of their return: The RELEVANCY of their mistakes.
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
5. season of first experience of high vibration consciousness
in preparations for the Enlightenment
Thus was here illuminated the functioning of THE LAW OF RETURN. Now we shall record other light information of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, related to the fifth season of the first experience of high vibration consciousness in preparations for the Enlightenment. Quickly reviving human beings, who thus advanced on their right Spiritual path and pass through this fifth season, now get view of the spiritual worlds of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. Although they just glance at these worlds for the first time, it is more then a mere hazy presentiment appearing in the previous season. Here, in this fifth season, the high vibration consciousness of these human beings is very quickly expanding. And now we shall illuminate the term high vibration consciousness. What does it mean ?
Yes, that’s also a state of mind of some human beings, who are thus treading on the right Spiritual path to the Primary Creator of everybody and everything. This state of mind is the highest one attainable for them while they live in the material world. From everything what was recorded here it follows, how a long time it takes to get here.
In this fifth season are these transitional states of human minds sifted very slowly into the high vibration consciousness; the advance preparation had been already ensured in the previous fourth season. At the end of the fourth season were the human beings set at ease by causation of THE LAW OF HELP, their minds harmonized, and then by causation of THE LAW OF TRANSITION these human beings entered into this fifth season. Consequently their minds are resting in peace and harmony, now at the beginning of this fifth season, and thus begins to function THE LAW OF CIRCLE. We shall explain that right away.
This term foreshadows, that the matter in question is the cyclical course of events, sealing itself, which symbolizes here collectedness - concentration on the goal of light, towering afar off. Now we shall draw here another schema, illustrating how that happening runs:
Figure 2
Thus are the human beings in this fifth season prepared according to these regularities, functioning and expressing the very essence of creation. This functioning is maximum and is valid for all universes, the material and parallel ones, of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. The human beings here get acquainted with this original essence of our and your Primary Creator. That essence, among other things, is also expressing, that in certain sense and order everything repeats itself. The main task in this fifth season consists in sifting of these transitional states of human minds into the high vibration consciousness, and concurrently in becoming gradually familiar with higher essence of formation irradiated by our Creator of everything and all primary things. This gradual familiarization goes by existing firm rules of CYCLICAL REGULARITIES, which mean the reality of light: the human beings get familiarized with the cyclical course related to the essence of formation created by our Primary Creator. Consequently is the light work here prepared for them, and also determined purpose of revolution is in this circle by way of arrow, which delimits again the essence of formation created by our Creator of everything and all primary things.
That’s all from us, for the present, regarding this Spiritual path, established for human beings by our primary Creator of everybody and everything. See you next time.. We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are saying good-by to you. We are looking forward to continue in this writing.“
846. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 17.11.1999. 21:45-23:30.
Place: Strakonice.
„We, all your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you, and let us right away link this message to the previous schema of CYCLICAL REGULARITIES. We had mentioned the arrow in this circle relating to the purpose of revolution. That revolution is the positive one: it is consequently marked by the plus sign and thus leads the human beings treading on the right Spiritual path back to our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. And there is yet another arrow above - called the arrow of ingression - which means the ingression into this final phase of the fifth, sixth and seven season: In the course of these three seasons the development of human spiritual consciousness is subject to these CYCLICAL REGULARITIES. That is thus again yielded to the poorest will of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything: These CYCLICAL REGULARITIES begin their function of light just here, starting in the fifth season of human spiritual development.
If our reader observes this schema more closely, then he surely founds, that it has the shape of CROSS: on the opposite sides are thus situated the contrasting principles. The human beings living in the material world should sublimate their spiritual consciousness in suitable way, to come nearer again to the Creator of everybody and all primary things. And this is the tool for achieving such approach: insight into the heart of the Primary Creator and understanding of this essence of creation. Consequently from that results THE REGULARITY OF UNDERSTANDING, and that we shall discuss later. Now, regarding the previous schema: the mind of these beings is set at ease here, in the fifth season, when they come into the force of THE CYCLICAL REGULARITIES: therefore the principle of calmness is situated in the upper part of the schema, and the contrasting principle of perturbation appears in the lower part. And alongside to the right is situated the principle of repulsion and to the left the principle of contraction. Now we shall explain here one regularity of cross, touching the human beings living in this material world.
Your spiritual literature comprises various texts with reference, that the planet EARTH IS THE PLANET OF CROSS. Yes, it’s true, and as the key for illuminating that serves just this schema of cross, thus touching the human beings on the threshold of the fifth season, in the II. stage of spiritual development. This outlined cross symbolizes relative liberation of the human beings, who came here, from the power of matter. It could be also termed as the cross of ingression into the higher principles of our and your primary Creator; this was raised here by the cyclical sealing, reflected in the cross arms of the same length, expressing here certain balance, or the reality, that all these human beings are already stabilized and that they also reached the higher grade of liberation from matter. And now we come at THE REGULARITY OF CROSS; however, in this case the regularity indicates pegging down of these human beings, who do not work spiritually.
That’s conveyed in this manner:
Figure 3
By this lengthening of the lower cross arm is consequently expressed the material pegging down of all human beings. And by means of their spiritual work is gradually and slowly shortened that cross arm in such a way, that upon their ingression into the fifth season can be started the function of the CYCLICAL REGULARITIES. The force of these regularities already reflects consolidation and balance of the human beings treading on the Spiritual path.
Thus was explained the force of cross, and now we shall yet record, how the spiritual development here touches these human beings. Its effectiveness is based on their gradual approximation to the understanding of creativeness substantiated by our primary Creator of everybody and everything. That’s illustrated by another schema, illuminating the state of spiritual consciousness of human beings treading on their right Spiritual path, who reached the final phase of this fifth season:
Figure 4
This schema with the careened cross the human being’s treading on the Spiritual path depicts the gradual approximation to the understanding of creativeness substantiated by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything.
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
6. season of sharpening of transitions
of consciousness into high-vibration states
After completing their development set in this fifth season, the human beings then enter into the sixth season of sharpening of transitions of consciousness into high-vibration states. This sixth season can be considered as another significant landmark on their right Spiritual path: here comes into force THE LAW OF UNDERSTANDING. The following schema illuminates what is there happening:
Figure 5
Now we shall yet specify here some concepts, used also in other spiritual texts, with reference to right reading, regarding the principles of primary Creator’s essence of creation:
forces of repulsion = I
forces of contraction = E
calmness, harmony = U
perturbation, ardour = A
From this follows, how here happens re-groupment of principles, standing mutually in opposition: in the final phase of the sixth season of human spiritual awakening are on the careened cross arms these principles ordered in such a way, as if they complemented each other. Consequently, in the direction of arrow are the antitheses positioned abreast; not in the opposition any more. That’s also the mentioned essence of creation, which irradiates the Creator of everybody and all primary things, making thus Himself known through the medium of this schema. Reading the separated letters in the direction of arrow, the reader gets I - A - U - E, and that’s analogy of (Hebraic) JAHVEH, or God - our primary Creator of everybody and everything: He thus makes Himself known here by means of His higher essence of creation, to the human beings treading on this right Spiritual path. And these human beings in the sixth season make themselves felt here by way of their continual work, using the spiritual gifts, presented by the Primary Creator, for the benefit of other terrestrials. The human beings thus, through sifting the transitions of their consciousness into the high vibration states, pursuant to the force of THE LAW OF UNDERSTANDING shall come to that higher essence of creation irradiated by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything. With that, further development of their spiritual consciousness unfolds; but that is happening not sooner than in the following seventh season, which we are going to describe next time.
Regarding the high vibration consciousness of human beings, we are to record here yet today, how the light work proceeds in separate seasons. At the beginning of this light work, in the fourth season, the human beings experience feeling of hazy presentiment of something very incandescent and brightly shinning, as if glimmering to them from a great distance. In the fifth season the process reaches a stage of very slow sifting, focused on transitions of consciousness into high-vibration states; here also for the first time the CYCLICAL REGULARITIES enter into the light functioning. That should go on also in this sixth season, when proceeds active sifting of these transitions, leading all human beings, on the basis of force strained by THE LAW OF UNDERSTANDING, to the beginning of nesting into the God’s essence of creation - our Primary Creator’s essence.
That’s all from us, for the present. We are looking forward to see you next time, when we shall continue in this writing. We, your Cosmic friends from our spaceships everywhere above you, are saying good-by to you. Good night.“
847. Spiral of spiritual growth. (Received by Jaroslav P.) 18.11.1999. 21:45-22:35.
Place: Strakonice.
The revolution g - phase 7. THE WORD:
7. season of the final preparation for the change of vibrations
and the Enlightenment of a human being
„We, your Cosmic friends from spaceships everywhere above you, are greeting you this evening again; let us right away proceed to the commentary focused on the final seventh season of the II. stage of human spiritual development. It is the season of the final preparation for the change of vibrations and the Enlightenment of a human being, and that’s illustrated by another illuminating schema as follows:
Figure 6
From the left part of this figure it follows, that spiritual development of human beings is thus gradually directed: the schema was again indexed in the direction of arrow indicating the natural way. These human beings thus here already got acquainted with the higher essence of creation irradiated by our primary Creator of everybody and everything. In this last season - the seventh one - on their right Spiritual path, they are touched by the LAW OF NESTING into our primary Creator’s essence of creation. In the final phase of this seventh season, the consequential regularity then, by means of gradual light functioning, leads the human beings to the ENLIGHTENMENT - to the INCADESCENT POINT.
This Enlightenment is here represented schematically by the right part of the last figure: it does not contain already the arrow indicating the reason of revolution: the functioning of THE CYCLICAL REGULARITIES was closed, by the same token as the spiral of spiritual consciousness of human beings reached the incandescent point. On this instant the human beings thus reached PERFECTION OF THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS IN THEIR PHYSICAL BODIES, AND CONSEQUENTLY THEIR VIBRATIONS WILL CHANGE, ACCORDING TO THE HIGHER SPIRITUAL WORLDS of our primary Creator of everybody and everything.
The functioning of this higher law of universe here ended as well - THERE IS BEGINNING AND END TO EVERYTHING, and this applies also in the case of THE SPIRAL OF HUMAN SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS and of CYCLICAL REGULARITIES: In the final phase here appears the standing cross of light transcendency and everything is already unified in the One reality. The human beings thus submerged back into the essence of creation irradiated by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, and their change of vibrations enables them to enter into the higher spiritual worlds, where they will be prepared for additional treading on the Spiritual path, to find themselves in the nearness of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, in the end. That all is thus here determined by the purest will of the primary Creator in such a way, that by this right path they will be led back to Him, when they spiritually work for the benefit of their terrestrial fellowmen, incarnated here, in the material world.
We did not record many information about that, when we described these last seasons, but that’s thus determined for the human beings: they have to work persistently, using the spiritual gifts presented by our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, for their terrestrial fellowmen, till the vibration of human consciousness will change, according to the higher spiritual worlds. In conclusion of this recording, relevant to the Spiritual path of our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, draw a lesson from this warning:
Without the right spiritual work for other terrestrial fellowmen,
there is no evolution of spiritual consciousness of human beings,
and consequently could not be even completed their Spiritual path
along the spiral leading to the Enlightenment !
That’s the end of our messages, focused on the Spiritual path, transmitted thus by us, up to this day, to this planet Earth, for all terrestrials; we acted as mediators of the Primary Creator of everybody and everything. We are saying good-by to you. We, your Cosmic friends, wish good night to all of you.“
Thank you, dear Cosmic friends, and to you, our Primary Creator of everybody and everything, for this spiritual teaching, presented to the people living on the planet Earth. With love, Ludmila and Jaroslav, Czech (Original).
Translation from Czech into English JANUARY 19, 2004.
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